Step 1

Cut SuberunPaper into an appropriate size.


Step 2 

Pair two sheets with the slippery sides (without printed letters) facing one another.

Prepare as many pairs as necessary for repositioning work.

※Sides without printed letters are sliding surfaces.
※In the case of double-sided type, both sides are slippery.


Step 3 

Make sure the installation surface is flat and even.

Transfer a heavy object to the area to complete the installation.

Jack up to lift the object and place the paired SuberunPaper sheets under the foundation of the object and place the object back on the floor.

Step 4 

Adjust the installation position by moving the object on the SuberunPaper manually or using a tool. Finalize the installation position and then jack up the object again to just enough to be able to pull out the SuberunPaper.


If not slippery

Place two hard, flat objects, such as a steel plate, on the floor and under the heavy object, and place an appropriate amount of SuberunPaper between them to make it easier to slide.


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